神奇动物·thesewt / APH·北区欠 / LOTR·TL / 文豪野犬·太芥

Cloud Atlas | 云图(脑洞)

Robert Frobisher X Rufus Sixsmith (ver. Sixsmith)

I‘m on a train. I soon realized that by the clinking sounds of the train and the tracks, as well as the vaguely-outlined mountains that ran quickly backwards outside the window. My first thought was that I was once again heading to look for Robert Frobisher. I could clearly see myself pushing the thick wooden door of his room and him sitting in front of a desk with his back towards me. He wouldn’t even look up or turn around, nor would he stop his pencil, from which beautiful notes that carried his thoughts were streaming out. “Sixsmith, ” was all he would say, in a tone hued by the golden sunshine. My name to him was not a question but a statement. As if my visit, or our meeting each other and falling in love, were all destined at the very beginning.



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